Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The night before...

'Twas the night before surgery,
We have to be quick,
Dave was considering
His soon-to-change dick

Okay, so not my best poetry, but I'm tired and a bit stressed. They're going to chop off a piece of my willy tomorrow. That's an enormous fact to consider. This penis has been with me since birth, and tomorrow it will change.

It's curious to examine how attached I am to my dick. Not just physically (haha, I am tired). It feels like I'm going to change my identity slightly tomorrow - Dave with foreskin is one person, Dave without foreskin is another, very similar person.

When I first discussed the op with the urologist, he said they'd give me local anaesthetic and heavy sedation, but I spoke to the anaesthesiologist, and he wants to put me under general. I don't like the idea - I'd rather be awake while they're chopping. I hope I get a chance to talk to him tomorrow - maybe I can ask for the original plan.

Tomorrow, this time, I will not have a foreskin. From all reports, my dick will look a bit like roadkill (roadkill which some sick person thought to stitch up after death, with the big stitches in it). I must remember to take "pre" photos of myself, so I can compare when this is all over. Hmm, they probably wouldn't let me post them here.

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