Saturday, December 29, 2007

Okay, that's mostly over

Cleaning my stitches still hurts, and causes everything to sting for a bit, but the pain has settled. I was right about the toughening - I can't really fell the head of my penis rubbing my underwear any more. Morning wood pain has settled - it's an aching, skin-stretching pain rather than a sharp pain. Cleaning my stitches hurts a lot in certain places, though.

Friday, December 28, 2007

I spoke too soon

Ow. Ow ow. The areas immediately around some of the stitches has become very sore. I'm taking Myprodol, trying not to let my crotch rub against anything, and waiting for it to pass

Thursday, December 27, 2007


It's amazing to see the increasing toughness of the head of my penis. It doesn't really hurt any more when clothing rubs up against it - the only pain comes from when something touches the stitches. The head has gone from its normal pale pink to yellow to red, and now has a raised ridge around the bottom edge.

The head also seems a bit swollen - it looks weirdly out of proportion. This has come with an inability to pee standing up (it comes out sideways, in a random direction). I assume these are linked somehow, and are temporary and will settle over the next five weeks. I'm not particularly worried.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Heat and chafe

We have had some hot weather. I wonder whether I'll ever miss the smell of penis sweat. Not so far. I'm fairly pleased with the developing new look of my penis - I'm still in what's called the 'hardening' phase. My dick has abraded sections, and the two most prominent points have actually turned purple from the rubbing. The head is also peeling slightly. The more that that happens, the less painful it is. I am quite sore right now. It feels like badly placed sunburn. I've stopped leaking blood, and the stitches are now healed enough for me to see all of them - the skin on the shaft was previously so swollen I couldn't pull it back far enough to see. There's a weird fleshy raised line just under the head on the underside of my penis - I assume this will subside as it heals.

Friday, December 21, 2007

The first real day

has been fairly good, although it did not start out well. Morning wood. Man oh man, morning wood. Ow. Ow ow ow.

This soon after the op, if I start to get excited, it pulls against the stitches and hurts. When I wake up, everything wakes up, even if just for a minute. So, coming out of sleep this morning, it really hurt. The one thing you can't do while getting morning wood is control it, get it to calm down, but that didn't stop me from trying. While still waking up and not really being aware. Not fun.

I was instructed to put Bactroban on the stitches and wrap it in gauze three times a day. I'm doing that, and using Wecesin powder, this brilliant stuff we found which we used on Mira's cord, and then subsequently on other wounds. It works really well to help any open wound heal. This isn't too bad - as long as I'm careful, touching the area doesn't hurt.

The stitches themselves look weird. I have this row of neat little knots done in black thread all the way round my shaft, just under the head. They're easiest to see on the underside. There are a few bruised areas on my penis, which are almost black in colour.

I bled a bit today. My pants caught my crotch a few times, so that's probably why.

Feeling very tired now, going to sleep.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

A bit more awake now

The hospital experience was remarkably pleasant. I got discharged at about 6, and we went from there to watch a movie at a friend's place. Throughout this, not much pain. The head of the penis stings a bit - it's in the process of toughening. Sometimes I move my legs in the wrong way and press the wounded part (still under bandages until tomorrow), and that's a bit sore. I've been prescribed Myprodol for the pain, and I took before I left hospital like a good boy, but I don't think I'll take any to sleep tonight.

It's a bit weird to have the head of my dick always exposed, but the bandage still makes it seem unreal - it's like my foreskin is pulled back under the bandage or something. I expect it'll hit home a lot harder tomorrow, when I take the bandage off.

In the hospital dreaming

I've just woken up. I didn't get general, but I fell asleep under the sedation. I feel happy - they gave me something which made me very happy. The head of my penis is starting to wake from the anaesthetic and hurts a bit, but not badly. The join between the head and the shaft is wrapped in bandages. I feel well rested, as if I had had a good sleep. I wonder how long they'll keep me here

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The night before...

'Twas the night before surgery,
We have to be quick,
Dave was considering
His soon-to-change dick

Okay, so not my best poetry, but I'm tired and a bit stressed. They're going to chop off a piece of my willy tomorrow. That's an enormous fact to consider. This penis has been with me since birth, and tomorrow it will change.

It's curious to examine how attached I am to my dick. Not just physically (haha, I am tired). It feels like I'm going to change my identity slightly tomorrow - Dave with foreskin is one person, Dave without foreskin is another, very similar person.

When I first discussed the op with the urologist, he said they'd give me local anaesthetic and heavy sedation, but I spoke to the anaesthesiologist, and he wants to put me under general. I don't like the idea - I'd rather be awake while they're chopping. I hope I get a chance to talk to him tomorrow - maybe I can ask for the original plan.

Tomorrow, this time, I will not have a foreskin. From all reports, my dick will look a bit like roadkill (roadkill which some sick person thought to stitch up after death, with the big stitches in it). I must remember to take "pre" photos of myself, so I can compare when this is all over. Hmm, they probably wouldn't let me post them here.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

An introduction

I went to the urologist the other day, complaining of abrasions I get on my foreskin during sex. He took a look, asked some questions, and then suggested a circumcision. I've previously considered getting one for hygiene reasons. While considering doing that, I tried to find some information on the net to help guide my decision. People write a lot of hyperbolic crap on this topic. So, now that I'm obliged to get one, I figured I'd write up my experiences as they happen each day to help anyone else faced with this decision (which was eventually made for me anyway).

I'm going in for the surgery on Thursday, so there probably won't be any more posts until Wednesday.