Monday, January 21, 2008

So I have a confession to make

In order to communicate what I'm trying to in this post, I need to make a confession which no guy likes to make. Before my circumcision, I wasn't exactly what you'd call long-lasting during sex. In fact, I'd definitely say "short-lasting" was the word. "Premature", even. Okay, it's said, phew. I learned to use techniques other than intercourse - look at me defending my manhood. Dear Gods, could I be posturing more? "Other techniques". It doesn't matter. You can think what you want about my sexual prowess.

In attempting to learn how to last longer, I took much internet advice. Things like "feel when the orgasm starts building". Yeah. It was always too late to do anything about it at that stage.

I now know what they meant. Nobody who hasn't been there can understand my view as someone who was hopelessly out of control of my own body, always blaming myself for my shortcomings (ha ha), and now finding that the advice needed a physical change before it was useful. I am in control. It's magnificent. Sex actually feels better, probably in part due to being able to relax and enjoy it, instead of being on edge about "accidents".

There's also no pain. The head of my penis always got super sensitive after coming, so that touch could be painful. Usually was painful, to tell you the truth. No more. That is gone. It is good.

I also feel strangely more confident about my naked body. I don't know why (apart from the obvious reasons, but I think the reasons are deeper) I always felt my penis was dirty and embarrassing, but I don't feel it any more.

Anyway. I'm going to stop gushing about the good this change has brought, you're probably not that interested.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


All the other descriptions I've read of adult Western circumcisions talk about having sex six or eight weeks after the surgery. It's been three and a half, and my wife and I had sex without a problem. We used a condom, which probably helped to stop too much pull on the scar area.

So, did I lose sensation? A bit, but not so that I mind. It felt really good. I actually felt more in control of my orgasm than before, which made it better. I might be biased, though - I've felt that this was a very positive experience throughout. I've heard stories of men who had it done and hated it, and missed the sensation, and felt the scar was ugly (I am assuming it's still a bit swollen, and will subside a bit, but I don't feel it's unsightly).

I have one stitch left - I missed it when I thought they'd all gone. Yesterday I was exploring, and I found a bit of stitch twine sticking out, and found the last stitch, which I am sure now is the very last. It was at a place where I'd trimmed the twine down to make it more comfortable (highly recommended after about three weeks, when stitches untying themselves doesn't really matter, by the way) and I thought the stitch had untied itself and fallen out. It had retracted into the scar tissue. I suppose I'll have to wait for this one to dissolve - bleh.

One last word about sex. After we were done, I sat there and thought about it, and then said, "It's like sex, except without the pain at the end!" I feel this was a huge factor in my positive feelings about this whole thing - I had a medical issue which was causing me pain and other inconveniences, and this is now solved. And that makes me feel good.

Friday, January 11, 2008

The stitches are gone

I masturbated the other day. It was quite strange - I didn't use lotion as other people have suggested, which means I didn't actually rub the head of my penis at all. I just rubbed the shaft. It still felt good, and cleanup was much easier. That was before the last of the stitches went.

The last of the stitches went last night, thank the Gods. Certain places (where the stitches went deepest) are still a bit sensitive, but my penis is feeling more and more comfortable. I hardly even feel it in my pants any more.

I've managed to start peeing standing up again. It's so much cleaner than with a foreskin - when I had a foreskin, it was either over and getting in the way of the flow and impossible to clean properly afterwards, or pulled back and restricting the flow by squeezing the head or the shaft a bit, making it harder to pee. Without a foreskin is completely straightforward - just pee. Wonderful.

I also feel more confident about the state of my penis. I always worried about smelling or having a bit of smegma when I had a foreskin. Without, I'm assured of always being clean and presentable.

As you might have picked up, I'm quite happy about this :)

Friday, January 4, 2008

The stitches are going

About a third of the stitches are now out. The areas where I don't have stitches are much more comfortable than the places I do - if anything pushes against them, they hurt. I can't wait for all the stitches to go. Apart from the stitches, my penis looks and feels really good.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

I popped two stitches

"Popped" is the only thing I can think to describe it. The first came out after a sustained erection - afterwards, a small piece of twine fell out, leaving a place which looked like it was going to bleed but never actually did. The second seemed to drop more randomly. I just applied bactroban and wecesin, and wrapped the stitches in gauze for the first one. No blood seeped on to the gauze. It just stung a bit when I put on bactroban.

The place of the first stitch has healed into a pinkish scar, which, from what I've been told, is probably what the whole stitch line will end up looking like. It looks quite good, I think.